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Sifting Through Noise

Current Insight

The messy world seems to just get messier and messier. 

We measure new information (within the context of knowledge about monetary history, Fourth Turnings, fiat regimes and the like) in order to construct our macro view and subsequently position portfolios.  While it is no easy task these days to sift through government propaganda (made legal in the USA), market noise, Wall Street deception, and the impact of the 'whack-a-mole' monetary bail-outs the Fed and Treasury constantly implement (by necessity due to their own distortions), the topics of many articles are quite relevant and can impact portfolios. 

Greed continues to drive a narrow segment of the markets in the AI frenzy, boosting headline performance but obscuring more accurate results of the rest of the companies.  Real economic struggles of the masses are obscured in tandem.  

A market is always a sum of all participants however, including the frenzied.  Below find a stream of articles we believe are relevant:   

Extinction of Cash Around the World - Visual Capitalist

US Pending Home Sales Plunge to New Low - ZeroHedge

Credit Card Losses Top 40% at Some Banks -  Bloomberg

Americans' Pandemic Savings are Gone - Bloomberg

Japan Banking Giant to Liquidate Treasuries - Zerohedge

Fed Bail Out of Japanese Bank Not Enough - Nikkei Asia

Retail Sales Begin to Buckle - Bloomberg

Why Consumer Sentiment is Falling - Daniel Lacalle

This is Where Bear Markets Start From - John Hussman

Industrial Production Surprises to Strength - Trading Economics

Inflation Pain Persists Despite Propaganda -  Epoch Times via ZH

Jim Grant: Rates Will Go Higher (Maybe) -  Lance Roberts

Top Tech Trio Surges as Europe & Rest of Market Burns - Zerohedge
Tech Stocks Warn - Kings World News

Pinned:  Oh Say Can You See -  Howard Kunstler

  Bio:  Howard Kunstler

Era of Informed Consent is Over - Zerohedge

From Enlightenment to Ignorance - Embracing Stupidity - American Greatness

Our Deflationary Future - Charles Hugh Smith

Capitalism Has Failed - International Man

How the Federal Reserve Created an American Caste System - Epoch Times

Manufacturing PMIs Mixed Growth but Prices Soaring - Zerohege

Gross Domestic Income shows America in Stagflation - Daniel Lacalle

Housing Inflation 4x "Official" Metrics - FXhedge

Investigation into Key Bridge & Econ Impact Outlook - Zerohedge

Bank of Japan May Unwind Stocks-Favorable' Carry-Trade' - Zerohedge

QE by Another Name is Still QE - RealInvestmentAdvice

Fed Maintains 3 Rate Cuts in 2024 - Marketwatch

Junk Bond Defaults Surge - Shiff Gold

Massive Food Inflation & Metals Miners Unchained - King World News

S&P Pushed to 5,000, Bonds Sold / Rates Rise - Zerohedge

Chip (Lever) Stocks on a Tear - CNBC

Mortgages Head Higher - Boston Globe

Creditors 'not worried' about Regional Banks - Marketwatch

US Debt Bomb a Threat - Fortune / Paul Tudor Jones

Everything Bubble, Gold, Debt & BRICS - King World News

World Gold Council - Banks Buy Gold - Schiff Gold

Consumer:  Freight Woes Grow - Freightwaves

Consumer:  American Eagle Cools Forecast

Housing:  401k Hardship Withdrawals Surge for Rent/Mortgages - Zerohedge

Housing:  Existing Home Sales Woes - CNBC

Consumer:  Best Buy Cools Forecast - CNBC

Consumer:  Real Purchase Power Eroded 25% Since 2020 -

Real Assets:  Dutch Central Bank Accumulates Gold - Gainseville Coins

Real Assets:  All the Metals We Mine in One Visual - Zerohedge

Geopolitics: Argentina Election Goes Anti-Woke - Zerohedge

Fourth Turning - A Lesson from 1914 - Graham's Benjamins

Consumer Pressure: Student Loan Repayments Begin - Schiff Gold

Convid: Big Pharma Gravy Train Derailed - Zerohedge

Convid: Cardiac Events Spike - Epoch Times

CBDCs:  Ultimate Tool of Oppression - Brownstone Institute

Economy:  Banks Laying Off Thousands - Michael Snyder

Dollar Alternative:  China Digital Currency Used for Oil Trade - Zerohedge

Dollar Alternative:  India Rejects Paying for Oil in Yuan (for now) -

Consumer Pressure:  Healthcare Costs are Crushing - Mike Shedlock

Consumer Pressure:  Credit Card Rates Near 29% - Zerohedge

Consumer Pressure:  Oil Demand Jacks Prices -

“Beating Estimates” – How Companies Win In Earnings Season - Real Investment Advice

MF Raises Global GDP Outlook, Warns "Not Out Of The Woods" As Inflation Proves Sticky - ZeroHedge

Conference Board Confidence Soars To 2-Year Highs, Inflation-Expectations Plunge - ZeroHedge

America has avoided a recession. But don’t thank the Fed—thank the corporate sector, says top strategist - Yahoo Finance

Putin Signs Law On Introduction Of Digital Ruble In Russia - ZeroHedge

Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims Decrease to 228,000 - Calculated Risk

World's Largest Chipmaker Slashes Guidance As AI Boom Fails To Deliver - ZeroHedge

New York Federal Reserve Reports Surge in Credit Application Rejections - The Epoch Times

A Catastrophic Debt Implosion Can Be Incredibly Quick- Gold Switzerland

Visualized: The U.S. $20 Trillion Economy by State - Visual Capitalist

Homeowners Don’t Want to Sell, So the Market for Brand-New Homes Is Booming - Wall Street Journal

NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.16 million SAAR in June - Calculated Risk